Momentum, the concept is universal, and in business, it’s the driving force of change, like the proverbial ball, inertia can only be overcome by willfully applying the energy needed to get the ball rolling, so why do so many businesses continue to stall at the starting line?
Creating momentum requires leadership and commitment, sustaining it requires leaders to empower their people, removing the friction that enables the business to move forward and foster the momentum of change.
Developing and executing the strategic agenda are two very different things, the realisation of not only acknowledging what needs to be done but making meaningful steps towards the goal, but the challenge we continue to observe is that businesses are continuing to suffer the inertia of “business as unusual”, and yet overcoming it is quite simple, make a start!
We all understand the demands of the operational agenda, and the need to balance working in vs working on your business, however, as we know all too well the unfortunate consequence of inaction, like a pot of slowly boiling water, you get used to the heat, but eventually it does reach boiling point, and it all boils over.
The key is to make the time to take action, and for many it begins with strategy development, which is important, but remember, a strategic plan is just the starting point, it requires will and determination to bring it to fruition, you need to push off to start.
What’s holding you back?
Strategy, a term linked to a body of work, work that is performed over a period of time, so remember you don’t need to boil the ocean, instead determine the key objectives, become tactical, allocate the resources and establish the agenda, make the objectives achievable and accountable to be measured.
As we hear from many leaders, the immense scope of what we needs to achieved can become overwhelming, and as a result many fail to act and continue to suffer the cycle of inaction, the lesson here is to take the steps that become the strides, mobilise your team, delegate responsibility, and deploy the resources to establish a foothold, a foothold to push forward and create the momentum of change.
Are you ready to start?